1980 - Started Tae Kwon Do
1982 - Switched to Japanese karate. Started with Ren shin kai, wado ryu, Shotokan, isshinryu 
1983 - Achieved my 1st Dan black belt
1985 - Started Mugendo full contact
1993 - Started weapons training 
1995 - Achieved my 2nd Dan
1998 - Achieved my instructor level in Escrima, Cadena De Mano, Silat, wing chun, Tai Chi and all Silat and Tai Chi was the Kun Tao lineage.  
1999 - Achieved my 3rd Dan in Freestyle Karate 
2000 - Achieved 2nd Instructor level.
2003 - Achieved 3rd instructor level 
2007 - Achieved4th Instructor level. 
2011 - Achieved 5th Instructor level.  
2014 - I was awarded my 6th Instructor level by Grandmaster Brian Jones. 

My fighting career spanned from 1981 to 2003. I retired undefeated British Champion with the British National Martial Arts Association.

I currently teach Freestyle Karate, Escrima, Wing Chun, combat Tai Chi, Silat, Cadena De Mano.  

I was 19 when I started training and I was bored at work and had a lot of energy to burn off so I started Tae Kwon Do. I have been practising martial arts for about 37 years now . My best moment was receiving my 6th Dan Black Belt from my master, Grandmaster Brian Jones followed by 4 out of 5 of my students getting their British Championship on the same day, then coaching one of my students to getting 4 world championships. 

I achieved World silver medallist and Grand Champion 5 years running. I also was British Champion for 4 years and retired undefeated. 

I Practice Tae Kwon Do, Tang Soo Do, Ren shin Kai karate, Wado ryu karate, Isshinryu karate, Mugendo, Escrima stick and knife fighting, Cadena De Mano empty hands fighting, Silat, Japanese sword and sticks, Nunchaku, Chinese Wing Chun and Tai Chi.

Sensei Raj Dhokia

I started practising martial arts under Sensei Mo Malik in 2005 and have been under him ever since. I have learned kickboxing, karate, Wing Chun, Tai Chi and Escrima all under Sensei Mo, along with some empty hand Philippine systems and some pressure point fighting.

I was awarded my 1st Dan Black belt by Sensei Mo in 2014 which is a lasting memory, but my most memorable moment has to be training amongst masters at WGC with Grandmaster Brian Jones at his School of Excellence in 2016.

I am always trying to improve the skills passed onto me by teaching others and welcome old and new members to the Viper family.

I joined Viper Academy of Martial Arts at the age of 6 years. I wanted to do something sporty and was doing gymnastics prior to learning martial arts, but decided it wasn't for me. I took to karate like a duck to water even though there were a few nose bleeds in the early days I was soon working my way through the gradings. At the age of 11 years, after a four hour gruelling grading I became a black belt 1st Dan.

I enjoy karate and supporting the younger students. Karate has helped me maintain my fitness levels, recently representing my school year group for inter school cross country. I'm also a keen swimmer and attend swimming club on a weekly basis.

I really enjoy karate and I am working towards my 2nd Dan. I still get the occasional nose bleed but think nothing of it and take it all in my stride.

Sempai Robyn Walton

Hi. My name is Robyn and I am 11 years old. I started training with Sensei Mo just after my 4th birthday. I have worked hard and trained hard ever since. 

I worked through my gradings and am proud to have achieved my first dan when I was 8. Karate keeps you fit, It's fun and you meet lots of great people like my friend Jeff otherwise known as Sempai Poppy!

Sempai Jenson Kiddle

My name is Jenson Kiddle & I started Samurai Shotakan karate in Wisbech at aged 5. I am now a brown double white belt getting ready for my black. 

I started with Viper martial arts at aged 7 and acheived my full adult 1st dan black belt graded by Sensei Mo and an honourary black belt awarded by Henshi 9th dan Robbie Woodard. I have two junior national titles one WTKO and one HDKI and one national WTKO traditional kumite title.

I have won numerous club golds for kumite and kata. I train two nights a week in Wisbech, doing traditional karate and two nights a week with Sensei Mo one of which is one to one training for kumite. I also train in weapons, jo staff, samari sword, nun chucks, sei and escrema stick fighting with Sensei Mo. I regularly attend various seminars and train with adaptive martial arts and differerent styles of martial arts with numerous Sensei.

Sensei Mo Malik and Sensei Steve King have put a lot of time into me and it shows in every aspect of my life and not just my martial arts. I would recommend it to any parents for their children but it is a lot of hard work but they can achieve goals beyond there wildest dreams. I not only see my Sensei as teachers but personal friends and martial arts is all about friends that become family for life.

Viper Academy of Martial Arts
Paston Church Hall
The Grove Community Centre
St Judes Church Hall
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